Call for papers

ENLG 2009 invites substantial, original, and unpublished submissions on all topics related to natural language generation. Topics of interest include:

  • Affective / emotional generation
  • Content and text planning
  • Generation for embodied agents and robots
  • Evaluation of NLG systems
  • Text-to-text generation
  • Lexicalisation
  • Multimedia or multimodal generation
  • Story-telling and narrative generation
  • NLG for real-world applications
  • NLG in linguistically motivated frameworks
  • Personalization and personality of text
  • Psycholinguistics and NLG
  • Referring expression generation
  • Statistical processing for NLG
  • Surface realization
  • Use of ontologies in NLG
  • Vague expressions and large database [special track]

Requirements: A paper accepted for presentation at ENLG 2009 must not have been presented at any other meeting with publicly available proceedings. Submission to other conferences should be clearly indicated on the paper.

Category of Papers: ENLG has two submission categories, long and short papers:

Long papers are most appropriate for presenting substantial research results and must not exceed eight (8) pages, including references (these will be orally presented);

Short papers are more appropriate for presenting an ongoing research effort and must not exceed four (4) pages, including references (these will be presented as posters during the poster session).

Paper Submission: Submissions should be uploaded to the Start website for the workshop. The only accepted format for submitted papers is Adobe PDF. Submissions should follow the two-column format of ACL proceedings. Use of the ACL style files is strongly recommended. Reviewing will be blind, so you should avoid identifying the authors within the paper. Please note that papers for the shared tasks should be submitted via the Generation Challenges website.

If authors have any questions, they should contact the workshop organizers.